2024-25 Programs Online Application
To ensure that applicants have the basic skills needed for program success, all individuals applying for consideration must complete the Ben Franklin Career Center Application Process outlined below. Exceptions to these requirements are not permitted.
Admissions requirements vary by program. Individual program requirements may include, but are not limited to pre-admission testing, physical exams, immunizations, etc.
Any applicant that falsifies or omits required information on any of the required documents is subject to immediate termination from the process. Ben Franklin Career Center reserves the right to refuse admission to any applicant.
Steps to Complete the Adult Program Application Process:
- Open and complete the Adult Student Application below or pick up one from the main office at Ben Franklin Career Center. Complete all questions on the Application,
- If completing online, save the completed form to your computer. Use your first initial, last name, and requested program of study in the file name. Ex: JSmith Welding.
- Submit the completed Application by one of the following:
- Email:[email protected]
- Fax:(304) 766-0110; Attention: Adult Counselor
- Mail: Adult Counselor, Ben Franklin Career Center, 500 28th Street, Dunbar, WV 25064
- In person in main Ben Franklin office or the Adult Programs Office, Portable D1 (directions on main page)
- Submit these required items with your completed Application:
- All applicants are strongly encouraged to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine eligibility for assistance. Go to https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa, follow all directions carefully, complete the form, and make sure to include our school code (013732) so that we can access your information. Additional information is located under the Adult Financial Aid section on our school website, bf.kana.k12.wv.us.
When all of these items are received and reviewed, applicants will be scheduled for Entrance Testing by the Adult Counselor. Please make sure to complete and submit all items in the application process. You will only be contacted once via email regarding missing information or payment. If you have any questions regarding these requirements, please call the Adult Counselor at (304) 766-0108 or 0109 ext.: 119.
After the evaluation process is completed, applicants will be notified via email or mail of their standing. These notifications generally occur one to two months prior to the program’s scheduled starting date. Wait-listed students will be notified after the beginning of class if an opening becomes available.
BFCC Adult Application .pdf Printable Application
PN Application.pdf
Commercial Driving Program Application.pdf